Report of GPS-99 Session 10
Theory and Methodology of GPS and other space techniques
The presentations of Session 10 were given in Room CR101. In total,
we had 15 presentations, of which 12 were presented orally and 3
in poster. All the speakers of oral presentations attended the
Session, but we cancelled out two posters since its presenters
did not show up. The size of the meeting room was right for our Session.
In general, we maintained the audience of 50 to 70 people. The
invited talk by Prof. Hofmann-Wellenhof attracted more people.
The Session ran quite smoothly: all the speakers managed to finish
their talks within a reasonable time limit and were able to take
some questions from the audience.
On the request of one speaker, we changed his form of talk from oral
to poster. We were successful in shifting one poster to fit the
changed program so that we could have a smooth session, fortunately.
Also the title of paper 10-07 was changed slightly, and the talk
was given in Russian with English translation.
Peiliang Xu